Friday, April 30, 2010

A rant of a thousand questions

When did it become normal for people to go to university looking like a hobo?  Why on earth do young women where tights and hoodies to lectures and tutorials?  Why do they then add - to this already atrocious look - THONGS?  Why do they saunter around pretending they look good?

Why do they I have to overhear them bitch about someone they believe can't dress?  Do they not have a mirror?  How can they think exposure of the shape of their genitals is any better than a girl with a bad pair of boots?  At least she is trying to look nice.  Just because she missed doesn't make her down-falls any worse than yours.

Where did all the people go that woke up in the morning and actually considered what they looked like?  Where are the skirts?  Where are the pretty shoes?  Where are the nice tops?  Where are the luscious coats?  Where did the hats go?  Or even the lipstick?  When did it not become acceptable to wear heels to university?  Where did the glamour go?

Dressing in tights, wearing thongs, having a high-side ponytail, making yourself look as ugly as possible doesn't somehow make you are a true women.  It says - to me at least - that you don't want to be desirable anymore.  You don't need to I suppose.  The many little sluts in our world just need to be able to give a good blow job and leave.  There is no chase.  There is no longing to be with someone.  There are just tights and hoodies thrown on the floor.  I suppose that is better than them being on a woman's body.

I'm glad I got that rant out of my system.  Till next week.

Love Me.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hello Lover

Today I got to thinking about guilty pleasures.  I am consumed in them.  Chocolate, lollies, clothes, reading and perhaps my most favourite, fantasizing about my very own pair of Jimmy Choos or Manolos.

If I was transported into Disney's Aladdin, I know exactly what I would ask from my friendly genie.  There is nothing more I could wish for than a wall of spectacular shoes in every imaginable colour and style.  I'd go as far to say I might pee my pants with excitement.

So today, here in this very blog, I am going to show you a pair of shoes that have become my newest guilty pleasure.  If somebody gave me these shoes - size 9 1/2 if anybody is willing - they could get me to do pretty much anything.  I can't deny it, high heels are my biggest weakness.

If you have the money and the access to these shoes, please, i beg of you, do not let me know because it may just send me spiraling into a deep state of jealousy. I suppose I must reside myself to the fact that although I can't afford them, others can.  If you are interested they are from Jimmy Choo Spring/Summer 2010 collection and they're called Zoom.

Love Me.

Image: Jimmy

Friday, April 23, 2010

Raise respect by raising your pants?

Boys and girls, sittin’ in a tree
First comes the mods, 
Then comes the hippies, 
Then comes the saggy pant guys with their undies on display.

Criminology and Fashion; two words that - to most - seem completely separate.  I am here to tell you that, like the rhyme above, fashion can be linked to moral panics and crime. In my legal studies lecture yesterday we looked at a fashion trend that I’m sure you have all seen: the saggy pants.  

Interestingly enough this fashion ‘trend’ actually came from the prisons.  The inmates aren’t allowed belts for fear they will commit suicide.  This was the birth of saggy pants, or as Florida legislators like to call them, droopy drawers.  Somehow the hip-hop crowd adopted this trend.  Most guys seem to have embraced this 'fashion movement' and forgot that belts were invented to keep pants above their bum, not below.

Funnily enough politicians in America are calling for saggy pants to become practically illegal.  They want dress codes enforced within all schools to sanction any who dares to kiss and sag.  If you are in need of a giggle check out Senator Eric Adams, a retired police chief, advising society to ‘Stop the Sag’.

Love Me.

Image: Google Images

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Green is the new planet

Trends come and go; they disappear just as quickly as they emerge.  Recently there has been an influx in designers hoping to make one trend last a lifetime.  Car manufacturers, supermarkets, chemical companies and politicians have all started to reduce the impact we make on this planet.  It was only a matter of time before the fashion industry went on a quest to produce garments for the environmentally conscious. 

Eco Fashionista is a website devoted to selling clothes for those who wish to limit their environmental footsteps and strive for a greener lifestyle.  They hand pick garments – including accessories – that are both stylish and help to reduce the impact we have on the planet.  It was time for the fashion industry to catch up with the rest of the world and help with sustainability.

As reported in The Age, "Green is not a trend," says retail expert and founder of Country Road Steve Bennett. "Over the next 10 years, the focus will be even more on sustainability and the planet."

Designers all over the world are making it their mission to produce eco-friendly clothes.  Locally designers such as Gorman, Fleur Wood, Cylk Black Label and Arabella Ramsay are all contributing to this new ‘trend’.

Each designer differs in the way they produce and achieve environmentally friendly clothes.  Eco Fashionista explains how they achieve eco-conscious clothes through the use of organic, sustainable or vintage fabrics, conducting eco-friendly production, making small quantities of their clothes to order and striving to produce fair working conditions.

If you want to continue the work of such forward thinking designers then head to the Eco Fashionista website and buy up big.  You can be assured you will not only look good but you are also making the planet look just as sexy.

Love Me.


Friday, April 16, 2010

How long do i have to hold my breath for?

There are many things that leave me out of breathe; the gym, the thought of drowning, that very restrictive dress in my closet, but nothing makes me gasp for more air than sending out an email to prospective work experience companies.  It has been a couple of weeks since I sent out the "please take me, please love me, please, please, PLEASE give me work experience" email.  It was time for follow-ups.  It was time to add more companies to my list.  It was time to throw my dignity out on the line and pray a bird doesn't decide to shit on it.

I didn't have to type away for long with the lack of magazines made in Melbourne; I send a follow-up email to Melbourne Wedding and Bride and a first email to The Fashion Journal.  I took a breath and its been holding ever since.

 People go on-and-on about you needing the right attitude to break this business but I don't believe that is everything.  How about talent?  I'm not sold on the idea that I have any yet, so it's hard to imagine a 30 year-old me typing away day-in and day-out.  Then again, what about the magnitude of people who are talented in areas and never get anywhere with it?  What happens to them?  How long can talent keep you going?  When does persistence and a great ability to talk yourself up become the deciding factor?

I'll keep you updated when I start breathing again.  Stay with me guys, it might be a slippery slope now, but hopefully you will be able to read me in a glossy magazine and say: "I read her first pieces of 'published' writing".  It is true, this blog does count as being published. Boo Ya!

Love Me.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A declaration of love

When it comes to Facebook I was a late bloomer.  In the year I have been ‘socially hooked up’ I have learnt one thing:  if you are in love – or luf as my friend and I like to refer to it as (another word for lust or fake contrite love) – then you must display your affections all over the internet.  “Candid” photos of the happy couple kissing or snuggling in bed, artistic close ups, or even just photo-after-photo of the lovers together.  It is out of control and really just makes all us single, lonely and apparently un-dateable counterparts want to jam a knife into them.  Normally I am in the latter group but today it is all about to change.

I might not be declaring my love on Facebook but I feel this is just as good.  I, Rebecca, have fallen in love for the first time in my entire - 20 years - of life.  Who am I in love with; a skirt.  A beautiful pink and leather Alannah Hill skirt.  It supports me all day, it tells me I look pretty, it is friends with most of my tops and best of all, its mine – and perhaps a couple others.  Lets be honest Alannah Hill isn’t that exclusive.  In true Facebook fashion I am going to leave you with photos of my new love and me.

Love Me.

Friday, April 9, 2010

A fine romance has begun

Collette Dinnigan never fails to produce girly, sexy and wearable clothes.  Her Autumn/Winter 2010/11 collection caught my eye this week.  Most of the collection is black however each piece is texturally diverse.  Dinnigan used a lot of lace, snakeskin, tulle and intricate beading.  At first glance each piece can seem quite boring and plain.  When looking closer you notice the black dress is actually made from at least two different materials.  Delve even closer and you see the little sliver number is actually made from dyed snakeskin.  It’s refreshing to see an Australian designer making clothes that are feminine this winter.  Many – for example Sass and Bide and Willow - are opting for more edgy and masculine garments.  The clothes seem awkward and unflattering on a woman’s body.  On the other hand, Dinnigan’s collection nips in the right places.  It emphasises the waist, the length of the garments are youthful and respectful, and the necklines are sweet and sexy.  All-in-all I love this collection and I wish I could add a few of these pieces to my wardrobe.

To see the whole collection head to Vogue.

Love Me.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

"Nursery Rhymes for the Blahnik Brigade"

Today i cleaned my room and stumbled over a book: This Little Piggy Went To Prada by Amy Allen.  I had forgotten all about it.  I received it as a birthday present last year.  Sitting on my bed I realised what a gem this little book is.  It's a book of nursery rhymes changed around for "the Blahnik Brigade".  My housemate and I sat down and picked out two favorites.  Enjoy.

Hey Diddle Diddle

Hey diddle diddle,
the skirt fits my middle,
Mummy is over the moon.
Giorgio laughed,
"to see her size halved...
she'll be back in Armani soon!"

One, Two, Three, Four, Five

One, two, three, four, five -
hogan trainers in my size,
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten -
evening dress by Ralph Lauren.
Off to Sloane Avenue,
for Gaultier and Jimmy Choo,
Kenzo and Agnes B,
design for children, thankfully.

Friday, April 2, 2010

How to dress like a toddler

It is Easter.  Now to some Easter may just mean chocolate and parties but for a group of people it means church.  Now being the good little friend I am, I ventured to the 3pm mass with my best friend.  Sitting down – in a freaking uncomfortable pew – my mind started to wonder.  As an atheist the priest’s words of wisdom were of no interest to me, so I took the hour and a half to take note of those around me.  The children wiggling around on the floor and reading books about insects soon began my favourite people to stare at.  Apparently I was witness to a picture of the largest insect in the world.  Amazing!  

I also began to notice the clothes: The tidy and un-kept clothes, the tatty and the ratty, the clothes I wouldn’t even want my housemates to see me in.  Sweat pants and jersey tops were a favour among men.  The women adorning lovely floral tops and sexy tan pants.  It was a sad point in my day when I realised the most well dressed people were the toddlers.  What is it the makes parents dress their children amazingly but forget to give themselves the same consideration?  

So here is my tip to looking good if you are heading off to church this weekend; ladies please wear a nice knee-length (or just above the knee) skirt or dress.  Guys it’s called ‘a nice pair of slacks’.  Not to difficult to find.  Now if you go into your wardrobe and realise that everything you own could possibility to give the priest a hard-on, then a great back up would be anything pale pink or purple.  Don’t forget they are the catholic colours for Easter.

Love Me.