Friday, April 2, 2010

How to dress like a toddler

It is Easter.  Now to some Easter may just mean chocolate and parties but for a group of people it means church.  Now being the good little friend I am, I ventured to the 3pm mass with my best friend.  Sitting down – in a freaking uncomfortable pew – my mind started to wonder.  As an atheist the priest’s words of wisdom were of no interest to me, so I took the hour and a half to take note of those around me.  The children wiggling around on the floor and reading books about insects soon began my favourite people to stare at.  Apparently I was witness to a picture of the largest insect in the world.  Amazing!  

I also began to notice the clothes: The tidy and un-kept clothes, the tatty and the ratty, the clothes I wouldn’t even want my housemates to see me in.  Sweat pants and jersey tops were a favour among men.  The women adorning lovely floral tops and sexy tan pants.  It was a sad point in my day when I realised the most well dressed people were the toddlers.  What is it the makes parents dress their children amazingly but forget to give themselves the same consideration?  

So here is my tip to looking good if you are heading off to church this weekend; ladies please wear a nice knee-length (or just above the knee) skirt or dress.  Guys it’s called ‘a nice pair of slacks’.  Not to difficult to find.  Now if you go into your wardrobe and realise that everything you own could possibility to give the priest a hard-on, then a great back up would be anything pale pink or purple.  Don’t forget they are the catholic colours for Easter.

Love Me.

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